Benefits of black tea

Fights free radical damage
Lowers high cholesterol
Lowers high blood pressure
Fights cavities
Promotes weight loss
If you are a tea lover, please know that it is the most popular brew globally. (Coffee is gaining popularity rapidly!). It is not just a pleasant and refreshing drink; beneficial components like flavonols, catechins, tharubigins, and theaflavins in black tea make it an exceptional brew.
Black tea has been flying under the radar, while green tea has been grabbing headlines regularly. Read on to discover or learn that an everyday old cuppa is just as good for you. How are the two different? Although green and black tea come from the same plant known as Camellia sinensis, they are processed differently, giving them different compositions. While black is fermented, green tea goes through no fermentation, so the dark colour and bitter taste of the former.
Even though the total number of flavonoids remains similar, flavonoids’ nature undergoes some changes after fermentation.
Some catechins get oxidized or condensed to theaflavins during the process, which results in the black tea having roughly 45 times higher content of thearubigins and 99 times more content of theaflavins (both are tannins) compared to green tea. However, green tea contains three and a half times more catechins than black tea. Due to this chemical composition, black tea holds the following benefits for your health and well-being.
1. Fights damages caused by free radical
With their potent antioxidant properties, polyphenols help fight the damaging effects of free radicals, like catechins, theaflavins, and thearubigins. Free radicals form naturally in one’s body during the conversion of food to energy. However, some specific factors can increase their numbers, challenging the body to neutralize aptly. These days the increased intake of processed, refined food, alcohol, smoking, and extended exposure to the sun contributes to multiplying the number of free radicals in our body. These cause oxidative damage to your cells. The damage contributes to premature ageing and plays a role in contributing to diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. A cup of black tea can be translated as providing a coat of protective and anti-ageing antioxidants by repairing the damages caused by free radicals.
2. Lowers high cholesterol
High cholesterol levels can increase the risk of atherosclerosis (which happens when plaque builds up inside your arteries) and even heart issues.
If you are fighting hard to keep your bad cholesterol in control, your daily dose of black tea can lower it. A study was conducted on slightly high cholesterol people; they had five black tea servings daily for three weeks. Drinking this brew helped reduce LDL cholesterol by more than 10 %, and total cholesterol levels were down by 6.5 %.
Regular tea consumption might also help to reduce LDL oxidation and minimize the risk of atherosclerosis. In addition, tea catechins are thought to counter cholesterol irregularities by limiting cholesterol absorption in the intestine.
3. Help control high blood pressure
Hypertension or high blood pressure is the root of many severe medical conditions such as stroke, kidney failure, heart failure, and heart attack. Fortunately, a pleasing wellness lifestyle, good eating habits, keeping the weight healthy, and good physical exercise go a long way in controlling your blood pressure. In addition, an odd cup of plain black tea is a bonus to keeping hypertension at bay.
Another study showed that having three regular cups of black daily for half a year decreases both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the subjects. Tea may impact hypertension with improved cell functioning that line your blood vessels and heart. Another possibility relates to its ability to burn abdominal fat, which helps control blood pressure.
When this was applied to public volunteers, the study showed a reduction of up to 10% in the risk of hypertension and 7-10% in heart disease.
4. Prevents cavities
Tooth enamel usually repairs itself by using minerals from saliva and fluoride from toothpaste or other tea sources for those who drink it. However, more minerals are lost when the tooth decay continues, resulting in cavities. Having tea regularly enhances tooth enamel protection and repair with components such as Streptococcus sobrinus and Streptococcus mutans.
5. Boosts weight loss
If you are on a program to lose weight, black tea can be your added benefit. Several studies have shown that the composition of bacteria in the intestine changed, increasing the number of bacteria associated with lean body fat and ridding bacteria linked with obesity.
While it is still essential to be attentive to diet and regularly lose those unwanted kilograms, black tea can improve metabolism.
6. Improves immunity while fighting infections
We are routinely exposed to harmful germs that can trigger various illnesses. Generally, our immune system can protect and fight off diseases. However, our immune system can help when possible, and black tea is one extra help. The compounds in black tea have been found to act against a spectrum of microorganisms known to cause disease.
7. Defends against diabetes.
Unrestrained diabetes can lead to a succession of weakening eyes, damaged nerves, heart, and kidney disease. Insulin, a hormone, controls the blood sugar level; it helps move glucose from your body into cells to be broken down and released as energy. People with diabetes cannot break down glucose into energy because insufficient insulin or insulin is not functioning well. Black tea can come to your rescue if you are at risk of high blood sugar levels.
Research has indicated that tea-based compounds such as theaflavins, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate, and other tannins improve insulin activities. A moderate intake of one to two cups of tea daily has lowered the risk of diabetes type 2 by 70%. However, if milk is added to your drink, the beneficial effects are considerably reduced. A study found that adding 10 grams of milk to a teacup reduced insulin-boosting capability by 2/3rd. Adding 50 grams of milk decreased the benefit by nearly 90%; similarly, other non-dairy creamers and soy milk also caused a reduction in the enhancement of insulin.
8. Is Good For The Heart
The benefits of black tea have been clear on several factors, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, which affect our hearts.
Drinking black tea also helps the cells that line the interior surface of lymphatic and blood vessels. The flavonoids present in tea also function as a blood thinner. In addition, some studies indicate that drinking tea is connected with a lower death rate in heart attack survivors.
9. Lowers risk of a stroke
A stroke is a life-threatening condition that develops when the blood supply to a specific part of the brain gets blocked. It is a medical emergency that requires urgent scrutiny. Elements such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, diabetes, obesity, stress obesity, high cholesterol, and hypertension increase the chances of stroke. Fortunately, the regular intake of a few cups of tea can help reduce the risks.
10. Enhances concentration
Like many of us, I am sure you have caught your mind wandering around, making you unable to focus on the things you are doing. Researchers have indicated that drinking black tea can enhance your alertness and focus. L-theanine and caffeine might be responsible for these benefits. The synergetic rapport between the two can improve performance and concentration, controlling your mind from getting distracted or wandering. One other advantage is that L-theanine can help counteract the overstimulation of caffeine. Hence, a cup of black tea might be the best way to get a caffeine dose without the usual jitteriness linked with too much caffeine.
11. Glowing skin
The tannins present in tea have a moderate astringent effect. This is perfect as a natural toner. Some leftover tea leaves or a wet tea bag work well and do the trick on puffy eyes. Next time you brew some tea, leave some behind, soak some cotton on it and place it on your shut eyes for a few minutes and you will be sorted. A wet tea bag works just as well.
12. May Protect Against Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is when a neurodegenerative ailment affects the nerve cells that produce dopamine. This neurotransmitter helps to coordinate and control our mechanical movements.
Some meta-analysis of studies has shown that tea components, such as theanine, flavonoids, and caffeine, can lower the risk of Parkinson’s disease through various mechanisms, such as helping with the secretion of dopamine, enhancing locomotor function, and improving circulation to the brain.
13. May Offer Some Protection Against Cancer
Some research shows that regular consumers of black tea could lower the colon and ovaries’ risk of cancer. For example, a study found that in women who drank 2 cups or more of black tea daily, the risk of ovarian cancer declined as much as 30 %; the credit goes to the phytochemicals in tea. However, other group studies point out that green tea’s anti-carcinogenic properties are more potent than black tea. The researchers attribute this to the fact that most catechins are oxidized in black tea, making it less potent than green tea.
Brewing tea
Putting on the kettle has got to be one of the most natural things in the world today. One must pour a cup of boiling water over a teaspoon of tea leaves, let it brew between 3-5 minutes, and your hot tea is ready. You can further experiment with this favourite drink by adding ginger that is grated or in powder form. This drink helps to thin the blood, combats insulin resistance, and enhances black tea’s heart-healthy powers. You can add a spoonful of energizing and antioxidant-rich natural honey to sweeten the brew. If you like a lemony tang, you can squeeze the lemon’s vitamin C-rich juice after brewing the tea. Mix all three ingredients during cold winter days or even nights to keep you warm and energized for a good part of the day.
Despite all the benefits of black tea, do bear in mind that all good things must be consumed in moderation. Too much of everything is not good. For example, suppose you drink more than 5 cups a day. In that case, it can cause an array of side effects such as heartburn, palpitations, inability to sleep (some people are more sensitive than others), tremors, headache, etc.; some cases, diarrhoea. You also need to check on caffeine intake if you are on regular medication and its adverse effects. Generally, black tea consists of about 2-5% caffeine. Hence two cups of tea will give roughly 200 mg of caffeine. Be cautious of having more than this quantity if you are pregnant. To be on the safe side, limit your intake to no more than three cups a day, bearing in mind the other sources of caffeine you have.
Disclaimer on Wellness Articles
NOTE: Raj Tamang is a wellness enthusiast, focusing on keeping trekkers and his team members fit through diet and proper treatment during their treks. While Raj has no formal qualifications in this field, he has done plenty of research over the years. As a result, he understands the benefits of keeping healthy and using whole foods to nourish himself and his team correctly. Please note, while Raj is experienced in wellness, his advice should not be taken above or instead of medical professionals’ guidance.
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