Common mistakes about the Himalayas

Common Mistakes About The Himalayas
The entire Himalayan region is something like a mythical land to many people worldwide. Known for its unique culture, towering mountains, and serene reputation, it can begin to seem almost utopian to some. Or, at the very least, it looks like a place that differs from the rest of the world.
Some of these perceptions may be entirely fair. However, there’s also a good chance that if you’re preparing for a trip to the Himalayas, you’ve bought into a few myths about the area. The mild air of mystery surrounding the region in many international eyes ultimately leads to a degree of myth-making and fictionalization, which is to say there are some common misconceptions about the Himalayas. These are just some you may want to be aware of.
Secret Kingdoms
Again, the Himalayan region projects an air of mystery to much of the world. Within this perception, people undoubtedly imagine whole secret countries or kingdoms within the mountains. That might sound silly until you consider something like the widely popular video game Far Cry 4, set in a fictional land called Kyrat in the Himalayas. The game’s makers were careful to establish some accuracy, saying they wanted to find the kind of place on the edge of the map and a history of political instability. The result is a reasonably believable fiction that millions of gamers dove into. But rest assured: there are no secret kingdoms in the mountain ranges, though there has been political turmoil and conflict at various points in modern history.

Himalayan man
Pure Buddhism
Buddhism fits with how many people in the international community see the Himalayas. And particularly in Nepal, there is a history of Buddhism, which makes this perception completely understandable. That said, the area as a whole is probably less Buddhist than a lot of people imagine. Those who practice religion seriously are Hindu as often as they are Buddhist, if not more, and there are Muslims and Christians in the region.
Sherpa Assistants
Perhaps one of the more offensive misconceptions about Himalayan culture is that Sherpas are nothing more than assistants or guides for tourists. Of course, experienced Sherpas can and do help visitors hike through difficult areas safely. But they’re not merely tour guides, nor do they exist solely for the convenience of travellers. So we’ll say it in the most precise possible terms: Sherpas are an ethnic group, and while they’re concentrated primarily in the Himalayas, some live out and about in the world.
Casino Activity
This may not be quite as widespread a misconception. However, just as the video game mentioned above can affect a widely available slot machine arcade based in the Himalayas. These days, mobile games can be released worldwide quickly and effectively, which means all kinds of exciting themes are enjoyed by people all around the planet. Thus, a game called the Himalayas: Roof Of The World, which primarily traffics in traditional Himalayan imagery, can make an impression. Some might well have come to believe it indicates that there is casino activity in the region when, in fact, there is very little, if any, at all.
The myth of Shangri-La is associated with a few different places in the world. However, many think of it as a valley, mountain range, or even a small municipality of some kind within the Himalayas. This idea was likely furthered by the game above Far Cry 4, which has Shangri-La chapters, so to speak, within its Himalayan city. But, sadly, it’s all a myth. Shangri-La does not exist, at least in a clear-cut sense. Instead, it’s a fictional land from an adventure novel, believed to be based on a conflagration of southern Asian valleys and morphed into a utopian vision.
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