Training for a trek with Life Fitness Bike
10 Health benefits of an exercise bike while training for a trekking vacation. Taking care of health is essential. We have many worries in our daily lives, we run around all the time to take care of everything, but we cannot forget to spend some time on physical activities that help us keep fit, relax…
August 8, 2019
Benefits of black tea
Fights free radical damage Lowers high cholesterol Lowers high blood pressure Fights cavities Promotes weight loss If you are a tea lover, please know that it is the most popular brew globally. (Coffee is gaining popularity rapidly!). It is not just a pleasant and refreshing drink; beneficial components like flavonols, catechins, tharubigins, and theaflavins in…
September 27, 2018
What is superfood?
Update 2020: The world had to face the COVID 10 pandemic, which infected millions of people and took the lives of tens of thousands of patients from around us. There is no better time to educate people on the benefits of using superfoods to strengthen our immune systems than now. You would have probably…
September 7, 2018
Benefits of sea buckthorn leaves tea
Sea Buckthorn Tea for Weight Loss Were you aware that not only the berries but even the leaves can be made into herbal tea with some exciting health benefits? Drinking tea from the sea buckthorn leaves, also known as seaberry leaves, can be particularly helpful in reducing excess weight, pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, or…
August 20, 2018